Language schools and agencies
Open Deutsch is the first digital tool that combines key aspects of integration with learning the German language. Thanks to our wide network, German companies can find qualified professionals from around the world. They can receive language training in cooperation with language schools and German teachers. The skilled workers are then accompanied to Germany and find support here with the help of our digital integration assistant.
You can become part of this network through our partner program.
Language schools/teachers or language agencies can register in our portal and create a profile.
After having completed the registration, the extend and requirements of the online courses can be determined. Afterwards, you can purchase the paid access to the learning management system Moodle. The online courses were created and tested in cooperation with certified German teachers. The modules can be used in their original form or adapted and redesigned if required.
Language schools from abroad and from Germany can cooperate to provide language training for potential workers. This enables learners to have contact with native-speaking instructors and to prepare for a future migration. Additionally, this is a quality trait from which, along with the use of new media, foreign language schools can definitely benefit.
Language schools and agencies support learners in creating an application profile in our portal, which can then be used to apply for jobs in Germany.
In addition to their own attendance fee, language schools/teachers and language agencies receive a commission for each successfully placed person. A successful placement is an employment that is subject to social security contributions.
Why working with Open Deutsch?

Modern customizable online courses

Customer acquisition

Integration assistance for language students

Flexible payment depending on class size

Join the affiliate program!
Regardless of whether you have chosen to join our affiliate program or not, you can use our free teaching materials collection. All materials are license-free and can be used for all language levels. And of course, you can expand the collection with your own works.